Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Auckland, City of Sails

16.5 hours on a plane in a mask is not conducive to maximum brain power. It seems I've forgotten how to post here, so let's chalk it up to reduced oxygenation and have a day in pictures. 

The welcome-to-Auckland landing package: free covid tests (with a 40% reinfection rate here, a good thing), the business card of Nimbus, who capably sniffed everyone's luggage, and a large flat white from the first vendor we saw.

1.6 million people crammed into a tiny stretch of land, surrounded by oceans and islands. Auckland is the largest and fastest growing city in New Zealand. Calling it multicultural would be an understatement. Auckland has also the largest Polynesian population in the world.

The famous nickname “Auckland, City of Sails” comes from its iconic location. Located on a small land tongue in the center of the Auckland region, locked in by the Tasman Sea in the west and the Hauraki Gulf in the east, Auckland has plenty of access to the water. There are several large commercial and container harbours as well as multiple large marinas and yacht harbours within the City. And the latter are responsible for the City of Sails part of the name.

Walking off jet lag on a sterling day, looking at water and sailing ships.

More than 500,000 sailboats and yachts in various sizes are anchored and moored at marinas within the city. No matter from which side you are approaching Auckland, there is somewhere a marina in sight with rows of sailboats.

We're staying on one of the wharves that juts off Auckland's central business district in the gulf.

It's an easy walk to downtown, which has grown considerably since our last stay here in 2017.

Art needs a new t-shirt





  1. As always great pictures. Thanks, too, for history/background on the city? How long are you in Auckland?

  2. Fantastic to see you back in NZ. Hope you can find a tech wizard to sort out your blog issues.

  3. We're in Auckland another day and then to Tauranga to visit kiwi friends who have been looking after the Rover

  4. Bruce: would love to restore the subscribe button, but I just don't have the brain for it. If anyone reading knows how to work with blogger/google/feedburner, let me know and I'll give you the keys to the site so it can get fixed.

  5. Love the Mechanic t-shirt with the landcover.... TOO funny and too true for Art. Love you guys. You've only been gone a few weeks and I miss you! And I'm jealous.
