Thursday, July 2, 2020

Covid Cafe: Egg Toast/French Toast Omelet Sandwich

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More pickles 
in the offing

Chefs, hello! I'm laughing as I write because Holly's been trying to get her egg sandwich to look like the one in the video below. Under pressure from me, she finally sent some photos of this quick anytime sammie. She still doesn't like the look of it, but it's a fun easy option (bread, cheese, eggs in one pan) with a thousand possible variations.

Holly writes: This is one example of many you can find online.  I think my attempts break down when I try to flip the entire thing, but even if I do flip successfully, I do not have nice edges to tuck in. I keep trying!  At least my attempts are good enough to eat, even if they don't look sterling. Many times I add ham, too. 

Here's the step-by-step vid...(and if I'm honest I see what you mean about perfect edges).

Rob Walks Chicago:
catalpa tree

Poem to My Yellow Coat

today i mourn my coat.
my old potato.
my yellow mother.
my horse with buttons.
my rind.
today she split her skin
like a snake,
refusing to excuse my back
for being big
for being old
for reaching toward other
cuffs and sleeves.
she cracked like a whip and
fell apart,
my terrible teacher to the end;
to hell with the arms you want
she hissed,
be glad when you’re cold
for the arms you have.

Phyllis writes about growing her own food: This is our first lettuce cutting. So exciting--a first for me. We made a nice salad with veggies and leftover steak. 

7082 cukes from Row 7
are coming on strong

via Chef Dan Barber, Blue Hill at Stone Barns

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