Sunday, July 26, 2020

Covid Cafe: How Do You Eat Your Corn on the Cob?

 Mexican sunflower in the Spirit Circle

Hi chefs. It's a busy day here at the cafe, but Chris and Lisa are camping again and checked in with a question I promised to put to you all. Am I wading into a family disagreement here? Leave your response in comments if possible (some people are having trouble with comments) or just let me know.

Chris writes: Here’s our camping meal tonight. Fresh corn that we bought on the way here from a farmer just outside Sandwich. Wings, potato salad, and veggies including cukes and chard stalks from the garden.  

Which brings me to a poll you need to include on the Cafe. Do you eat your corn lengthwise or around the ear? Lisa the Hoosier eats hers around the ear. I eat mine lengthwise. I find the around-the-ear method to be weird and annoying (much like many Hoosiers, but not my wife). So what’s it going to be?