Monday, March 27, 2017

Work Day in Whanganui

A good day. Work, bookshop visit, the Spark store, a walk through town, and fish.

A mural of Whanginui on the Spark store's wall. Spark is a telecom place we check in with occasionally to ensure we've got the bits and bytes to run our navigational ipad and the phone. This is a friendly city whose arts scene is thriving in revived old buildings along the mighty Whanginui River.

Kō au te Āwa, kō te Āwa kō au. I am the river, the river is me.
The Whanganui River is a major river in the North Island of New Zealand. It is the country's third-longest river, and has special status owing to its importance to the region's Māori people. In March 2017 it became the world's first natural resource to be given its own legal identity, with the rights, duties and liabilities of a legal person. The Whanganui Treaty settlement brought the longest-running litigation in New Zealand history to an end.[1][2]
More on this fascinating story here, in the NZ Herald.

Where we're staying, on a quiet residential street just a few blocks from downtown Whanginui.

Flip 'em over and one minute until dinner. The wide availability of fish in NZ is an utter joy. Please be kind to your chef.


Tarakihi are more numerous on each of the South Island coasts and the lower part of the North Islands east coast, but are quite common right around New Zealand.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi ! Amazing. . Is that a fryer ? :)
    I am still hoping !
