Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Covid Cafe: Echoes of NZ

Good morning, chefs. We're hoping to plant some fruit trees here at the cafe and that means someone has to select and order them, preferably someone unlike me who’s enchanted by all the varieties. As a result, today’s post is short and sweet and centers on NZ lamb chops

First, though, I broke Rule One of Pandemic Provisioning: I bought a lot of something we don't eat much of, potatoes. They zoom my blood sugar like candy and we don't eat fast carbs anyway. Still, cooked and cooled and cooked again they transform into a resistant starch much loved by the microbiome.  Here's more on that.

The lambchops, smeared with dijon and dusted with oregano and rosemary.

Art's grill work makes them sing

NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and her team have been praised for locking down the country quickly, testing and tracing and apparently surmounting Covid-19. More here. The country moves from Level 4 to Level 3 today.
Ardern posted this on her instagram today.
jacindaardern's profile picture

A few days ago we got a wee note to say that the Queen wanted to catch up and see how everyone in New Zealand was getting on in the midst of COVID-19. It was such a treat to speak with Her Majesty tonight. Her affection for New Zealand, her interest in what’s happening here and her memory of places and events that are special to us never ceases to amaze me.


I like this new John Legend song so much I’m putting up another version.
This one goes out to Carly and Rahul, wedding postponed by a virus. 
May bigger love prevail.

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