It's a blustery day, Covid Cafe chefs. Spring shouts its arrival loudly in blazing colors, and also more subtly in pure white. What are you making to eat? I'm pondering this Carrot Coconut Soup, an easy Mark Bittman recipe. We don't have lemongrass but we do have a pound+ of carrots that need dispensing with. We'll let you know how it goes.

Phyllis joins us with her sister Barb today from their undisclosed Chicago location.
Phyllis writes: a favorite recipe is Marve’s Potato Salad, from dear Marve Cooper (Judi’s husband), RIP. Barb took the lead today in making it...for dinner tomorrow night with sausages.
MmmMarve's potato salad

(I’ve read the recipe twice and see no mention of bacon, and yet clearly Barb riffed and added it. Nicely done!)

Then we made chicken tacos to eat while we watched Saturday's music special. We’re eating well!

Blooming saguaro trifecta
Our Arizona correspondents are filing pictures galore and we're glad for it. Rudy and Karen in Surprise sent along these two from yesterday's walk.

via Collette

Chicago courtyard spring

Sarah Gridley
for Arden
When a block of wood
falls into your hands,
angle the knife away,
skim the wood as you would milk.
Listening for what to do next is this
transparent, the bones of the ear,
this exactingly small.
As you were
will be the command
restoring you to love.
You will not
pretend to forget
what is hard
and innermost here.
Years ago,
you were gifted a tea set
that made no sense.
So miniature the cups,
the pot, the creamer—
any attempt at ceremony
could only overrun them.
Do not deceive me,
and I will no more
pour you away.
falls into your hands,
angle the knife away,
skim the wood as you would milk.
Listening for what to do next is this
transparent, the bones of the ear,
this exactingly small.
As you were
will be the command
restoring you to love.
You will not
pretend to forget
what is hard
and innermost here.
Years ago,
you were gifted a tea set
that made no sense.
So miniature the cups,
the pot, the creamer—
any attempt at ceremony
could only overrun them.
Do not deceive me,
and I will no more
pour you away.
Modest trillium with extravagantly dressed and perfumed hyacinth
Still my favorite fast workout
(Inside, outside, anywhere)
Zach Bush, MD, Four-Minute Workout
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